100 Textile Sketches: 001-010

I’m participating in a 100 day challenge this year. My goal is to create a series of 100 textile sketches: small compositions made from offcuts, discards, experiments, and thrums. I have plenty of these – such a great stash to work from! They include exhaust dye fabrics, shibori experiments, classwork from my Maiwa workshops, hand weavings, ikat discards, and more. Almost all dyed with natural dyes.

I’ve set a few rules for myself. The end size of each piece should be an 8” square. And I’m focused more on 100 sketches vs. 100 days. I can take multiple days to finish a single piece, complete multiple pieces in the same day, and skip a day or more if need be.

Here are the first 10!


A shibori sample for my Etsy shop and hand dyed fabric left over from a variety of sources (shop sign, litterbox curtains, Arch of Freedom mini-quilts). All dyed with my natural indigo vat.


Hand dyed yarn left over from ikat damask projects.


Exhaust dyed muslin scraps.


An experimental “woven” quilt block, deconstructed. Mordant paste, dyed with pomegranate.


Rust prints made from old weaving reeds.


Cloth used to clean mordant-dye paste from utensils and brushes, exhaust dyed muslin scraps.


Cloth used to clean mordant-dye paste from utensils and brushes, mordant itajime shibori dyed with marigolds from my garden.


Cloth used to clean mordant-dye paste from utensils and brushes, exhaust dyed muslin scraps.


Rust prints made from old weaving reeds, mordant paste dyed with pomegranate.


Rust prints made from old weaving reeds, mordant paste dyed with pomegranate.


100 Textile Sketches: 011-019


Refurbishing a Sievers table loom