Blicket (Novel Object) Screenprint!

I finally used my silk screen! I've carried this around for (!!) 7 years or so. That's pretty crazy. The occasion: our lab end-of-the-year celebration.

In my lab, we teach children made up words. We have to find objects to represent those words. Often, the objects we choose are kitchen implements because I think many adults would be hard-pressed to name a lot of these modern day gadgets. My favorite, by far, is this one!

Can you guess what it is?

(It's a garlic press.)

Anyway, it holds a special place in my heart. I always try to cast it in any new study that we do, so it's had many different names over the past year, but it will always be known to me as a "blicket". So naturally, I put it on a shirt ... and brought it to our end-of-the-year celebration, so everyone could print shirts too!

I also printed a couple posters. Either this weekend or next, I'm going to do another final round of printing and then try my hand at reclaiming the screen. (Now that I've discovered screenprinting isn't something to be intimidated by, I have other ideas percolating.) I'm hoping to decorate the posters and play around with different mediums to make some art.


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